In Fashion howtowear

How to wear: Bold and Bright

Hey everyone,

I've always been one who would shy away from bright colours and always played it safe by wearing leggings. While out shopping I spied pair of red paper bag trousers which caught  my eye, this is how I started to love bold and bright colours. These are three outfits I have worn out and about so I decided to show you how easy it is to rock bright colours and incorporate them into your everyday wardrobe.

Outfit 1-
Jumper- Berska
Jeans- Primark
Heels- New look
Wristlet- Kate Spade

I love cobalt blue. Its a colour I've always liked but was too scared to wear but when this jumper was on sale in Berska I couldn't resist it. I think this jumper makes such a statement and paired with black jeans and heels, it makes the jumper the star of the outfit.

Outfit 2-
Top- Pretty little thing
Trousers- Lefties
Heels- New Look
Wristlet- Kate Spade

These are the paper bag trousers which made me start wearing more colours. The red goes so nicely with the black and creates an edgy look yet there is hint of class. Again, the red makes such a statement and the colour stands out.

Outfit 3-
Heels- Small Spanish boutique in Murcia

The detail on this dress makes it so different and the colour makes it a stand out piece. The sliver rings at the top of the shoulders also gives the look a edgy feel. A pair of cobalt blue heels would look amazing with this dress as yellow + cobalt blue= heaven.

Do you like to wear bright colours? What's your favourite look? 

If you recreate any of the looks tag #whathannahwore on Instagram and I'm sure to see it....

Thank you so much for reading

Love H x

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